Friday, July 30, 2010

neverending story....

so, i closure on loads of issues/people haunting me since adolescence. this bizarre occurrence was brought on by a wedding reception -
anyway, lots of adolescent issues combined with the BEST '80s-90s station of all time ('1st wave' on satellite radio - thanks rental elantra) made for an angst-y, déjà vu & bittersweet weekend.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

the fireworks

Since Quebec I've been so v. disappointed in myself - my job hunt & my get in shape plan. I've had a brilliant lack of oomph. I think I'm in a post-grad school existential haze. At least i got to see sweet Ashley this week when we went to the midnight Eclipse premiere (ridiculously silly & fun). To redeem my(fangirl)self I will be working at the San Francisco Silent Film Festival in a couple weeks. Always immensely impressive & inspiring. Other goodness - new IT Crowd episodes started too!!!

All-in-all I made some great outreach connections for the museum this week...but, it's hard to stay positive when I'm not there full-time. Oh well. Grrrr!

Since I have a (rare) day off with my man tomorrow, I will leave my worries at the door and do the following:

Sleep in!
Go to the movies!
Indulge in sweet summer fruit & other delights!
& catch up on my film blog