A few job prospects! Hoorah! Nothing definite, but the possibility of hope has lifted my spirits. As well as letting myself embrace my monumental dorky & nostalgic tendencies. Now that October is over (the month of the year when I need to feel hopelessly wistful and melancholy) I'm letting myself do what I need to do to feel better in the moment (read: wine, crap movies, sleeping in). Obviously, as I'm unemployed, just had a root canal, and have to have my wisdom teeth out in a couple weeks (fingers crossed this will finally put a stop to eating altogether) I think this is okay...prescriptive even. But, yay...job prospects!!!
This weekend I went to Napa to see my darling friend, Ashley (had lunch at Oxbow Public Market). I had the most amazing Meyer Lemony Lemon cupcake!

I baked a cake for Jimmy; we watched the divine Big Trouble in Little China (which I'm writing a piece on for the film blog) & a truly painful movie from 1990 called, Lisa (which I, embarrassingly, used to watch at sleepovers). Oh, the cruelty of 15!

And I've been listening to the Grateful Dead -American Beauty (a rarity for me, but its reminding me of a beloved and long-lost mixtape from my early undergrad years).

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