Friday, October 31, 2008

very okay

I don't want to forget the feeling from this week's presentation. Capable, professional, charming, successful....and a bit on fire, actually. I so easily forget to be proud of myself when occasion calls (there are so many other important and well, mostly wretched things to think about myself, right).

It's hard to keep faith - in one's self or anything that really matters, really. But, as I watch the homeless man twirl with abandon out the window across from the museum right now & listen to the v. loud overture that CJM (is for some reason) piping into the lane and maybe because I just ate a really weird quesadilla or because it’s Halloween - I just feel like everything is going to be okay. Whatever happens with him, London, the museum, the election...the state-of-things I suppose.

We'll all write new roles for ourselves.


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